Sunday, February 3, 2013

Day 3! Ready to get going!

   As you can see chase is looking better and better! He has been taken off ALL of his IV meds. So no drip lines (meds)! But he is still getting some oral pain meds obviously! Look at the chest! :) He still is getting O2 in his nose and has a PICC line in just in case something happens they can get the meds right in. He also has some electrical wires coming out of his chest for a pace maker, again, just in case. He also has some monitoring wires on his shoulders for temp, and heart.
    His skin is a little red from the tape and he is a little puffy but that is to be expected. He is also eating a ton of pumped milk and some soy formula.
   But as you can see he from the top photo he is kicking and playing a little. We still have to wear a mask, gloves, and a gown to go up to his bedside because he is quarantine but that is not expected to last much longer!
   Again thank you for all your prayers! We are truly blessed to have amazing friends and family in our lives! :-D

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Day 2 for Chase!

    Hello everyone! Thank you so much for your thoughts and prayers for Chase! 2 days after the surgery Chase is doing pretty dang good! They have removed a lot of tubes from him as you can see in the photos above. They took out his breathing tube, a couple of his IV drip lines, and the pace maker lines are out. They are trying to take him off the IV pain killers and give them to him orally. They are hopefully going to remove the chest drain tube today since he is not bleeding that much and then take the tape off of his incision to let it air dry.  They had to use restraints the first day so he wouldn’t pull out any wires or IVs or anything. They have since taken those off.  He is currently on only three meds and soon it will be two.

     He did, however, have a little temperature. So the nurses and doctors decided to take some cultures. They took cultures from his nose, urine, and blood to see if he has a virus or bacterial infection. If he has a virus they just have to let nature run its course. If it is a bacterial infection they will prescribe him an antibiotic according to the specific bacteria they find in the culture. In contrast a normal person goes to a doctor for an infection all family doctors just give you a generic common antibiotic. However, Chase will get an antibiotic specifically for the exact infection he has….If any. But hopefully he just doesn’t have any infections.  He also had an episode today when his blood pressure spiked and he was very angry when he was being fed so the nurse had to give him something to calm down and breathe.  He is a feisty little kid!!

     His pediatrician called us yesterday and we super excited on how it was doing.  He was very impressed of where he was at this point.  He was not expecting Chase to be this far along and is about two to three days ahead of the time line he predicted.  He said that sometimes kids with Trisomy 21 take longer and have more complications due to the nature of the genetic defect.  We are glad to hear this and hope things still go well.

    Oh and here is a great link about what surgery he had! Check it out!,P01767?PrinterFriendly=true 

Friday, February 1, 2013

Morning After

                Got a call just before 7 today from the doctor. Chase has been taken off all his breathing machines and is doing well. They are going to try to feed him now and we will see how his tummy does. There is a waiting period to see if he need to be put back on the breathing machine but that will be over in a couple hours and we will go from there. He is doing really great so far. The doctor also said when chase woke up that he starred straight at him for a while gave the doctor a big smile and said it was a pleasure watching over him last night. Thanks for ALL the support and PRAYERS!!!  We will get more pics up soon! :)